Jury Duty
For the first time in my 41 years and only the second time I have been called, I actually attended my Jury Summons. The first time I was conveniently on crutches.
What an experience. I was happy with the people watching aspect, but not amused at all with the prospect of being picked and having to serve for days on end. We started with over 200 people. We were divided between 2 Judges. Okay, still not too bad. Take a break, come back, the entire 100 people from the other judge were dismissed right off the bat. Boo Hiss
OKay, so now 100 people, they pick 40 ramdomly, YEAH RIGHT!!!!!!! I am # 12 of course I get picked.
We go up to the court room. Now I am not happy, deadlines at work, Linda is out of town, MIrian can handle it, but why should she. Just not fair.
We break for lunch (after listening to our responsibilities from our judge). Who can eat???? I am so uptight if I try to eat now, I may hurle all over my fellow Peers.
Peers? These are my peers? I think not. I don't know anyone who has NOT A TOOTH in her head. I would not enjoy being on the other side of this coin, it must be very scary looking out over us, and trying to figure out who is reasonable and who isn't. I know I was nervous just sitting with some of these people. Talk about the dregs of society, Can't even read a summons: no flip flops, no hats, collard shirts, no tank tops...... perhaps they can read and are trying to get dismissed, hadn't thought of that.
Anyway, I digress: we are interviewed by both the procecutor and the defense attorney, I of course am compltetly honest when asked if I want to be on the Jury. HMMMMM, I hesitate, Not really I reply, I will but I am not excited to do it.
At 4:00 pm we are asked to leave again so they can choose their 7. I was not chosen. For the first time in my life I actually am glad not to be picked for the team. YEAH. Maybe when I retire I will look forward to desciding someones fate, but right now I am too busy trying to keep my butt out of trouble.
Have a good one