Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Saga continues part 2... Or 3... 4?

Finally had that appt with the Dr to go over all my test results.
Yes I have diverticulitis, yes I have Gastroenteristis. Stay on Nexuim/prilosec and citrucell. Also continue Low fat high fiber diet, Yeah..... about that diet Doc.........
Why if I am taking in between 950 and 1200 calories am I still gaining NOT LOSING, but gaining weight. Doesn't seem possible does it. I show good old Doc my food chart with Fat grams, calorie intake, sugars and fibers Okay Now he is stumped. My stomach still blows up by the end of the day adding a full 2 inches to my girth (on top of the weight gain)

Off to the lab for more tests: Hypothyroidism and cilliac panel.
So again we wait.
The saga continues..............

Sunday, July 23, 2006

My Apologies

I must say, my blogs have been pretty angry last couple of days. I do apologize, I really needed to get the angst of my chest. I really think I would have gone postal if I couldn't vent here and on my live journal. Thank goodness for the written word. I believe if you can put it on paper you can lessen the blow and somehow lessen the hurt. Maybe maybe not works for me though.
Again sorry about the anger, will try to tone it down and think happy thoughts for a while.
I know there must be some out there somewhere.

Definition of a sl#t

Someone correct me if I am wrong, but when I was growing up, if you slept with more than one guy at a time you were a sl&t, right??? So what are you if you sleep with more than one in one day?? How's three in one day??? Not sure if money exchanged but yes, I would call that a scanky Who#e. I can not imagine doing that. I also can not see what these guys are seeing in this scank other than an easy piece of as%. If they only knew who else and what else they were sleeping with. In this day and age with all the diseases to catch at least use a condom, nope not even that.
I do have to admit though, this person has been good for my girls, neither of them will act this way, they even know this behavior is deadly and disgusting.
Wonder what the X would say if he knew?? Grounds for full custody in my book. Especially since she uses the kid as a pawn and a bargaining chip all the time. Kids are not possessions, they are a gift from GOD, but this particular child will turn out to be the Devils spawn if someone doesn't start disciplining and soon.
Not my problem!!!!!! Just had to get the gag out .Need to go wash my toilet seat.