Beautiful Day
What a beautiful day. I woke this morning to the sun streaming through my bedroom window and the birds singing like it was spring. John and the girls left around 8 for practice and I enjoyed my coffee in a quiet house. The temps are comfortable, not yet ready to open the windows but not sticky hot either. Fall is finally here.
Jess has home coming tonight, yes I will take a couple of pictures. She thinks she will wear the same dress she wore to graduation, we shall see, I think the upper half may be a little small.
Any way this afternoon we are off to the salon for manicure/pedicures. No acrylics as she has 2 games tomorrow.
Oh report card: 1 d, 1 c and 4 B's we were shocked to say the least, thought for sure we failed Math. She managed to bring a low F up to a mid D. Celebrated at Olive Garden. Jamie passed both her stats (b)and phych (a) exams, although she was sure she failed stats and got a c in phych.
Better update huh gail. Guess I needed salad and breadsticks to improve my mood.
later. later aligator