Saturday, October 21, 2006

Beautiful Day

What a beautiful day. I woke this morning to the sun streaming through my bedroom window and the birds singing like it was spring. John and the girls left around 8 for practice and I enjoyed my coffee in a quiet house. The temps are comfortable, not yet ready to open the windows but not sticky hot either. Fall is finally here.
Jess has home coming tonight, yes I will take a couple of pictures. She thinks she will wear the same dress she wore to graduation, we shall see, I think the upper half may be a little small.
Any way this afternoon we are off to the salon for manicure/pedicures. No acrylics as she has 2 games tomorrow.
Oh report card: 1 d, 1 c and 4 B's we were shocked to say the least, thought for sure we failed Math. She managed to bring a low F up to a mid D. Celebrated at Olive Garden. Jamie passed both her stats (b)and phych (a) exams, although she was sure she failed stats and got a c in phych.
Better update huh gail. Guess I needed salad and breadsticks to improve my mood.
later. later aligator

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Dam Update

OKay so here is the dam update: get off my back, I am freakin busy, i don't get a flippen vacation to repaper my kitchen in the middle of october.(have'nt had a flippen vacation yet this year)
LOL Ha Ha Kidding (not)

Anyway, been really really busy with work and living and shit. Things are really gearing up for our Nov. CO on the first building. I was informed yesterday that we are going to start rentiong parking early too. Wellllllll, I don't have a computer yet, a gate system, an accounting system or staff. How am I gunna pull this one off you ask? The same way I always do, a miracle my dear.

My Dad seems to be getting better little by little. He has lost a lot of weight and his belly is going down finally. Day by Day with that dam foley, but hopefully by week after next it will be out for good.

Celebrated my 20th anniverasy by playing softball, go figure. Loads of fun, we got our asses kicked.

Can you see a theme developing here??? Yes, you got it, I am bitchy today. Maybe I should do this tomorrow instead, Oh wait, I don't have freaking time, that's right. OPh well. I at least updated didn't I??????
Over and out